How to Get Organised as a Student....
3 Tips to Organising your Personal and Academic Life to take some burden off of that already Stressed Brain.
‘Your Mind is for Having Ideas, not Holding them’ - David Allen
In a Single Day, the Average person will have around 60,000 Thoughts, Now Just Imaging trying to Hold all of that in your brain…
I’ve frequently noticed that a Common Cause of Poor Success in School and Therefore Life is a Lack of Organisation or a Developed System to keep everything in order. Without This, Hardworking Talented Students often end up with an Unnecessary amount of Chaos in their Lives, setting themselves up for Failure.
Hopefully by the end of this Week’s Guide that Won’t be you.
Step 1 : Google Calendar
Honestly Speaking without Google Calendar I would’ve been having 15 Anxiety Attacks a Day.
An Absolute Godsend.
Here’s Why You Should Use it:
You can Easily Schedule Important Events, for example, Assemblies , Meetings, Tests and Deadlines, so that once it’s been Scheduled, its out of sight and out of mind until the day of the Event, where Google Calendar will give you a Helpful Reminder
Helps you Plan your Day, Scheduling in Google Calendar doesn’t need to be just for Big Events, Your Day can also be planned down to the Last Minute, which helps you make the most of your time to get more done and spend more time relaxing.
An Overall Stress Relief: You know that feeling when you’re relaxing but you’ve got those low levels of Guilt, thinking you’re supposed to be doing something but you can’t figure out what? Scheduling Everything in Google Calendar can help Alleviate that Feeling. Simply Checking your Calendar for upcoming Deadlines, Tasks for the Day etc will provide you with a Straightforward Guide on what you need to get done for the Day, Once that’s been finished you can properly switch off, without needing to worry about forgetting anything.
For Example, this is what My Google Calendar Looks Like on a Relatively Calmer Week than Normal :
Although this Week hasn’t been Fully Organised (Hence the random gaps everywhere) You can see it looks quite Hectic and without Google Calendar telling me exactly what to do Each Day, I would be a mess.
Step 2: A To-Do List
Now the only way to populate your Google Calendar like the Above is to have a To-Do List.
This is probably the Oldest and Simplest Form of Organisation
Whenever you have something you need to do, Add it to your Digital or even Physical To Do List.
I personally use the TickTick app on my phone to Jot Things down on the Go, but you can really use any app at all since they all serve a similar Function, Or Even go Analogue and use a Physical Journal.
What I like to do is; every morning, Open up my To Do List, and schedule slots for each task in my calendar depending on available slots throughout the week.
In this Way, You’ve now got a 3 Step Framework for Getting Things Done
Thought———> To Do List ———> Google Calendar
Then when the Day starts you only need to focus on exactly what google calendar says you need to get done on that Day, to avoid guilty Relaxation or low levels of Anxiety.
Step 3: Journalling
This Last Step is something I only very recently uncovered and it has since revolutionized my Life.
It’s Simple:
Buy a Bullet Journal or Even a Regular Dairy Will Work
Every Morning Spend 15 Minutes Writing down Every Random Thought that comes to your mind, just jot it down
Throughout the Day, keep your journal open with a pen next to it so if any more random ideas pop up, quickly scribble them down.
At the End of your Day, Go Through Your Journal and Consider/Explore those thoughts, Then Either Dismiss them or Add them To your To-Do List
Doing this Will :
a) Ensure any ‘Eureka’ moments you have won’t be forgotten amongst the sea of your brain’s Thoughts
b) Establish a 4 Step Framework to Transform your Ideas into a Reality
Brain ———> Journal ———> To Do List ———> Google Calendar
But don’t take it from me; There are Hundreds of Successful Individuals who all Report the Therepatutic Revolutniary Practice of Journalling, from Albert Einstein to Warren Buffet
If you follow the 4-Step Framework I’ve explained above, you should be experiencing the effects of Greater Mental Clarity, Decreased Stress and an Increased Ability to Reach Higher Levels of Productivity than ever Before.
Believe me; Try it out and I’ll be waiting to say I told you so
Don’t forget:
‘Your Mind is for Having Ideas, not Holding them’ - David Allen.
Until next time…
this kinda hard lowk 🔥🔥